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How to use filters?

Filters help you quickly look up information that you're interested in.

Aleksandra Dynowska avatar
Written by Aleksandra Dynowska
Updated over a week ago
  1. Go to My team tab:

2. Click Advanced filters:

3. You can search for consultants, groups, widgets or numbers by selecting individual elements in the filters: 

You can search by: 

  • Agent,

  • Roles (Admin, Editor, Manager, Call operator, Department’s call operator),

  • Availability (On/Off), 

  • Widgets

  • Numbers

  • Phone numbers of your consultants

  • Groups

Using filters, you can quickly check what widgets, numbers, or groups are assigned to your agent, find only the agents that are unavailable, or check individual user permissions (roles). 

Filters become necessary when you have a high number of agents. 

Do you have any suggestions about what else we should include in this tab? Write to us!  

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